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60 metres to the northeast of the Siebenschlehen stamp mill in Schneeberg, Neustädtel, is the electoral smeltery (St. Georg smeltery), which was built in 1665. The name refers back to the older smelting site of the historically significant St. Georg mine in Schneeberg. The two-storey building, which originally had several annexes, was used for the processing of silver ore containing bismuth, cobalt, and nickel. The St. Georg smeltery is the only smelting hut in the western Erzgebirge that is largely preserved in its original form.  Ore was processed using a metallurgical method described by Georgius Agricola (1494–1555) and Lazarus Ercker (1528–1595). 

Active associations in the Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region: 

Silber-Schmelzhütte Sankt Georgen Schneeberg / Erzgebirge e. V.
